Köd is not a plucky little local business. Its an international chain of generic «steakhouse conceptt» restaurant. They have got at least three of these in different towns in denmark, and three in Norway.

Shame on them for operating a deceptive shaver/razor blade pricing strategy where they pretend the food is cheaper than they want to charge, to get you in the door, then present you with an expensive drinks menu.

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Who needs Metro and Evening Standard? Spy’s got it covered! Sadly the values of local and national politicians ate not in line or even close to what they do in reality. How they trashed the rough sleepers tent and belongings is beyond me. It’s hard work helping rough sleepers as every time I try I find impossible and outright stupid red tape standing the way. The situation is desperately getting worse.

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This emoji looks like the blinds have been rolled down… lol what does this mean?

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Lol it was a salute! In gratitude for your earlier comment ☺️

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