Again, there is no mention of the issues that itinerant boaters face in finding a home mooring. I have been looking for a home mooring for the last 2 years, on the River Lee outside of London. In that time I found one home mooring that was available as residential (where you can actually live on your boat). Most are leisure moorings, where you have to spend 2 of every 28 days as a minimum way from your boat most are less time for staying on board. This is fine if you have a land dwelling you can stay in, but most itinerant boaters that I know do not have this option, myself included.

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that's another really interesting aspect to this story - we're keen to keep following up on boating in London, so we'll make sure to look into this in a later piece!

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NBTA survey has revealed that 40% of towpath in London that could be used for mooring has been made unavailable: the waterways of London are not overcrowded: mooring opportunities have been deliberately removed for itinerant boaters!

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